$ 25 AUD

The price per T-Shirt will be $25. All money raised through this will go towards TrueSainters & we will also be donating money towards a charity or the StKilda Football Club. We are not in this to make money, all money raised will go back into this site.


Please be sure to leave your username/name and size(s) you require. Please be sure to leave postal address so we can post it out to you!

Alternate payment arrangements can be organised.

Price includes all postage costs.

A larger picture can be found at bottom of the shop page.

Any queries please email


True Sainters Stubby Coolers

$ 9 AUD

The coolers have 2 thin velcro strips so they will fit most, if not all stubbies including Breezers etc.

If your wondering what 'fortius quo constituo' means its 'strength through posting' oooh how clever.

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